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Unyielding Support - The vital role of Chocks in a long wall mine.

Updated: May 11, 2023

Underground coal mining is a demanding industry that requires robust safety measures to protect miners and ensure smooth operations. A critical components that plays a vital role in underground coal mines are chocks.

The primary purpose of chocks (hydraulic supports) is to provide structural support to the roof of the mine. As miners extract coal from the seam, the overlying rock strata can become unstable and prone to collapse. Hydraulic supports are used to prevent roof falls by exerting pressure against the roof, keeping it supported and minimizing the risk of accidents.

The key equipment at a long wall face

Safety is paramount in underground coal mining. Hydraulic supports help create a safe working environment by reducing the risk of roof falls and other roof-related accidents. By maintaining the stability of the roof, these supports protect miners from potential injuries or fatalities caused by roof collapses.

A cross sectional view at a Longwall
A cross sectional view at a Longwall

Hydraulic supports play a crucial role in distributing the weight of the overlying rock strata evenly. By exerting pressure against the roof, they help transfer the load to the surrounding rock formations, reducing the concentration of stress on any specific area. This helps prevent localized roof failures and contributes to the overall stability of the mine.

The use of hydraulic supports in underground coal mining also improves productivity. By providing reliable roof support, these devices minimize downtime caused by roof falls or collapses. This allows mining operations to continue without interruptions, maximizing the efficiency of the mining process and optimizing productivity.

In summary, chocks are used in underground coal mines to provide essential roof support, enhance safety, adapt to changing mining conditions, distribute loads, improve productivity, and enable real-time monitoring. These supports play a crucial role in maintaining a stable and secure environment for miners, safeguarding their well-being, and ensuring efficient mining operations.


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